Reginald Garrigou Lagrange & The Three Ages of the Interior Life

6 UK Credits; 3 ECTS

Reginald Garrigou Lagrange & The Three Ages of the Interior Life

Dominican Father Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange held the first chair of Spiritual Theology at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. He taught ascetical and mystical theology for many years and composed his great work The Three Ages of the Interior Life, in which He masterfully brings together the theology of St Thomas Aquinas and the spiritual writings of St. John of the Cross. This course will explore this spiritual classic, highlighting the three stages of the spiritual life and how a soul is brought to the summit of union with God.

2 x 45 minute sessions per day (12 Lectures) – Monday, Wednesday, & Friday – 2.30pm – 4.15pm (including 15 minutes break) UK time. 

Date: 2nd – 27th September 2024

Apply - Graduate Level Course
